The year 1984 was the dawn of the electronic business in Solapur city. The reason was LPT – TV centers were started by former PM late Mrs. Indira Gandhi in all the major cities of India. About 15 shopkeepers who were newly entered in this business started to get together to solve their day-to-day business problems by having meetings etc. The dawn of the year 1997 saw the formation of the association Solapur Electronic Dealers Association with its 11 founder members working committee. Gradually the association became very active and the No. of Electronic shops also increased in large. At this time the members saw that there was a need to give a good shape and legalize this formation.
In the year 2001-03 the association became a legal entity and registered under the charitable commissioner office and became a legal entity. Up to this stage meetings used to take place in the members shop or in any hotel place. As the No of members became 50+ the office space was the first need. In the same tenure of 2001-03, the association purchased an office space of around 700 sq. ft in Surana Market Murarji Peth. The office is gradually furnished with air conditioners, lighting, PA system, etc. This was possible only with the wholehearted support of our members whose efforts are thankful—monetary as well as physical. The number of members gradually increased from 50 to 150+ in a span of 25 years. During this period the association SEDA became one of the most powerful associations with maximum member effort. The association does outstanding social, educational, medical, and entertainment activities for the members and their staff members. “SOLAPUR ELECTRONICS DEALERS ASSOCIATION, SOLAPUR” is being legally formed, registered Association
SEDA Objectives
To foster friendly and healthy relations amongst Electronic Merchants / Dealers and Manufacturers.
A common platform for the rights to be fought with common interest collectively with Government and other legal Authorities.
To promote business & co-operation amongst persons, firms, companies connected with Electronics Trade and Industries in India and to adopt common policy.
Self Improvement
To eliminate unfair trade practices and to elevate the standard of business morale.
To promote and safeguard all the interests of the Electronics Trade and members of the Association.
Self Awareness
To study various rules, regulations and laws for the benefit of the Members and get them altered with the said aim.
To give legal advice to members whenever necessary by our expert Legal panel.
Life Skills
To provide and update information regarding all matters, pertaining to our Business and Public Utility.

Mr. Anand Yemul
President of SEDA 2023 – 2028
Hello, one and all with warm greetings for this new year at SEDA. This year I got a very privileged opportunity to become president of the known association, the Solapur Electronics Dealers Association. With the overwhelming support of the members of the association, I am looking forward to serving the organization and putting the ‘Extra’ in the ordinary.
Solapur is transforming into an upcoming smart city, filled with the spark of energy. A very uniquely positioned city connecting Andhra Pradesh & Karnataka. It’s also surrounded by smaller talukas and villages and it allows us to reach and give new electronic products and services to help in the development of the city and also all of this under the blessed land of Siddharameshwar.
One very peculiar thing about serving or being in this organization is how we all are collectively bringing together the products and services of the new generation. Electronics has become a very big sector in the world as it has fast and efficient ways to function and make human lives easier. We at SEDA are always looking for new electronic products and services to give to the citizens of Solapur city. With all the business perspective we are working on developing all our members’ businesses by conducting staff training workshops, entrepreneurship development workshops, and other CSR activities.
On the business front, we have been hosting a very large and popular exhibition for customers, companies, distributors, and dealers called Electro. This gives the opportunity to consumers and also dealers to exhibit a varied range of electronics, computers, telecommunication, and home appliances. Over the years, it has been getting bigger and more popular in the region, with a record footfall of over 1 lakh. With a very young and vibrant team this year, we look forward to putting it to the next level.
On this note, I want to thank everyone for all the help and support and assure you of a promising and fulfilling tenure to come.